Tag Archive for: agenda

Meeting Agenda for Thursday June 23, 2011 at 7:00

Our monthly meeting be held this Thursday at Bruno’s BBQ in the upstairs room. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come!

  1. Welcome and Introductions
    • New — SOS (Share Our Success)
  2. Review Minutes – Ann
  3. Treasury Report – Linda
    • Annual Report – Linda
    • Donor Database – Karen
  4. Old Business Update
    • Qlubbgive – Allison
    • Grand Prix – Ann
    • Library Funding – Allison
    • Seagate Donation – Allison
    • Open Houses – Misc.
    • Volunteer Bureau – Lauren
    • MCC? – Charlotte
  5. Collaboration/Focus Areas Discussion – Allison et al
  6. Community Day – Gina and Lori
  7. Counseling Services
  8. Grant Committee – Eartha

Meeting Date Changed to Jan 27th – Agenda below

Our next meeting will be held January 27th at Bruno’s BBQ in Scotts Valley at 7:00p.m.  Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!


  1. Introductions
  2. Minutes review/approval
  3. Treasury Report
    1. Holiday Boutique totals
    2. Tree lot update
    3. Community Foundation Grant
    4. Seagate Funds
  4. Mt. Charlie update
  5. BBQ Cook-off Update
  6. Registered voter database/Ask Campaign
  7. Kay Sprinkel Grace Workshop/book
  8. Grant Writing Workshop/committee – Jenny Wood
  9. Community Day
  10. Volunteer Bureau
  11. Other Business