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Why the Need?

What makes the best schools great?
​Community Support.


It’s no surprise that the best-performing schools in the state are those with the highest per-pupil spending. More money means more resources, smaller classses, and a wider range of academic opportunities.

What isn’t as obvious is that funding doesn’t come from the state. In fact, the wealthiest districts often receive less funding, because California’s funding formula provides more funding to high-need districts. 


SVEF bridges the gap between what the school district is able to provide with government funding, and what our students need to receive the best education possible. 

Isn’t public school free?

​The answer is yes… and no.

Parents can be surprised that SVEF asks for donations. We sometimes hear, “Isn’t public school free?” or “Don’t my taxes pay for schools?”

CA LLCF Per-Pupil Funding

Scotts Valley schools receive far less than most districts in Santa Cruz County.

​Before 1978, California schools were ranked among the best in the nation. Then Prop 13 capped property taxes, and school funding dropped and the student achievement deteriorated substantially.(3) Today, California schools rank in the bottom 10 nationally. While the national average class size has been decreasing since 1970, in California it has soared, and is currently the worst in the nation.(4)


In 2013, the State enacted the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which allocates more funds to schools with socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Scotts Valley Unified School District has the lowest percentage of disadvantaged students in Santa Cruz County at 10.8%, compared to 25.5% at San Lorenzo Valley Unified or 82.4% in Pajaro Valley Unified, and far below the state average of 61.5%.6  That means SVUSD receives drastically lower public funding than even our closest neighboring districts. 


If Scotts Valley schools were forced to rely on government funding alone, you’d see class sizes increase, programs cut, and student support stripped to a bare minimum. 


The harsh truth is that “free” public education in California schools does not provide access to resources that allow students to thrive.



That’s why S V E F is here.

​Educational foundations like SVEF were formed to provide the missing resources with community support. Parent funding is needed to maintain our high quality Scotts Valley schools.  Thank you for your continued support! 

Per-Pupil Spending Matters!

Why are we asking for $25 per week per student?


A $1,000 increase in per-pupil spending is connected to higher achievement in school and in life, including: (1)(2)

  • Full grade-level improvement in both math and reading

  • Higher graduation rate

  • Increased college readiness

  • Higher adult wages

  • Lower likelihood of adult poverty 

  • Reduced grade repetition

  • Decreased suspensions and expulsions 

Increased funding allowed for smaller class sizes and reductions in teacher turnover, providing students with consistent, high-quality classroom experiences. 


That’s what we want for Scotts Valley Schools. 

Give Where You Live

A new way to look at educational investment.


Your donations to SVEF are a direct and meaningful investment in your child’s future. Unlike local property taxes that are collected by the state and apportioned out to support the lowest-funded schools, every penny SVEF raises is spent right here, at the schools your children attend.


The impact is real: For every additional dollar spent on schools, researchers have calculated a DOUBLE return on investment.(2)​​​​​​​

If the families of all 2,100+ students gave $25 a week per student, we'd raise $2.2 million per year to support their education.

That’s why we ask each family to contribute $25 dollars a week to their child's education. That's $100 for every month of school - $1,000 per year to help achieve the amazing benefits list above. 


It’s a big ask, but one that pays tremendous dividends. The more we raise, the more opportunities we can offer to students.The more you give, the more opportunities at our schools can multiply.


Whether you're able to give $25 per week, per month, or just a single donation, the most important thing is that every family supports our students. 


Strong Schools. Strong Community.
Together We Are Scotts Valley.
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Scotts Valley Educational Foundation 

5610 Scotts Valley Dr. STE B-173
Scotts Valley, CA 95066

​SVEF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides funding the Scotts Valley Unified School District. Tax ID# 77-0006718

© 2024 by SVEF. 

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