Mt. Charlie Sign Up on Active

You can now sign up on for the Mt. Charlie Challenge Pledge Ride. Our ride is Saturday April 24, 2010.  Make sure you are looking at the 8th Annual SVEF Mt. Charlie Challenge, the 7th Annual on Active is closed.  If you have any questions, contact Aura Clendenen at 247-4805,  or Mike Rein at 440-9835.

Mt. Charlie Challenge Mtg Thursday 18th 6:30 p.m.

We will hold a brief Mt. Charlie Challenge Meeting before the regular Ed Foundation Meeting on Thursday February 18th at 6:30pm in the SVMS Library.

We would love for you to come help us in our planning, ride the event or be a sponsor!

SVEF Meeting Thursday Feb 18th 7 p.m.

We will have our monthly meeting this Thursday and follow the agenda below.  The meeting is held at Scotts Valley Middle School in the Library at 7 p.m.  Anyone and everyone are welcome and we hope that you will join us.

1. Mt. Charlie Challenge Meeting before SVEF Mtg at 6:30pm

2. Envelope stuffing the BPP letters to work on during the meeting

3. Introductions and SVEF Overview

4. Approve last months minutes

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. BPP plan to approach the businesses

7. Hiring an events person possibility

8. Board for next year, positions and ad for paper

9. Distributions to schools and endowment fund

10. Volunteer sign up sheets

11. Other Business

12. Next Meeting –March 18th

Mt. Charlie Challenge Sign Up

It is time to sign up for the 8th Annual Mt. Charlie Challenge Pledge Ride. Our ride will be held Saturday April 24, 2010.

We have two great routes to choose from and you can find all the details on our Mt. Charlie Challenge event page.

Print and fill out the Registration Form and Release Form and mail it in.

Training rides will start soon, weather permitting.

If you have questions, would like to be a sponsor or donate a raffle prize, please contact Aura Clendenen at 247-4805 [email protected] ,  or Mike Rein at 440-9835 [email protected], should you have any questions.