What Is Going On At SVEF today!

Our Mt. Charlie Challenge was another huge success! We brought in over $25,000 this year alone, for our schools. Over $200,000 for the life of the Mt. Charlie Challenge. Thank you to all of our sponsor, riders and volunteers. Please see our Mt. Charlie Event page to see all of our wonderful sponsors.

Have you made your donation to Dollar-A-Day yet? Did you know that the SV
Educational Foundation has raised over $85,000 to date through DAD?
At this
week’s SVEF meeting, the board voted unanimously to donate over $60,000 of
those funds to keep our libraries open part time next year, instead of being
closed for budgetary reasons. The remaining funds will be dispersed over
the coming months to offset other expected cuts to programs and services.
There is still time to donate!! Your contributions will allow us to maintain
the programs our students need to be successful in life, so please make your
donations now! You can donated though PayPal on our “Help Us” page or mail in a check to SVEF, 245-M Mt. Hermon Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

SVEF will have a booth at the upcoming SV Grand Prix Bike Race, being held
May 15 in SV. Students who need community service hours can sign up to
staff the booth, which will be selling drinks to spectators. Please contact
Ann Sayer at [email protected] to sign up! Kids 3-9 can sign up to race for free. Click here to see the registration information.

Finally, we are looking for additional SVEF volunteers for next year!
Interested in working with our local businesses to participate in our
Business Partner Program? Or perhaps you are a PR/Marketing whiz? There
are many opportunities, large and small, within SVEF. This summer the group
will be developing a Strategic Plan to guide the group as we continue to
grow and build our endowment fund and we welcome input from everyone.
Contact Allison Niday at [email protected] if you are interested!

Meeting this Thursday April 28th 7:00pm

Please join us for our next meeting, you are invited!


  1. Welcome and Introductions
    • New — SOS (Share Our Success)
  2. Review Minutes
  3. Treasury Report
    • Annual Report Committee formation
  4. Mountain Charlie Challenge
    • New volunteer structure next year?
    • Help with thank you notes?
  5. Community Day
    • Couple BPP letter with CD request?
  6. Grant Committee Update
  7. SV Grand Prix
    • Beverage table – Ann Sayer managing
  8. Volunteer Bureau
    • Update
    • Donor database
  9. Strategic Planning
  10. New Business
    • Social Gathering – set date
  11. Adjourn/Next Meeting May 26, 2011

Mt Charlie Challenge Photo Album

Thanks to Terry Rein for putting up a photo album of great pictures from yesterday’s Mt Charlie Challenge Pledge Ride. Click on the photo below to view the album. Then click on Start Slideshow.

Mt. Charlie Challenge 4.23.11

Mt. Charlie Challenge – Sign up this Saturday April 23, then ride!

It isn’t too late to sign up for the Mt. Charlie Challenge Pledge Ride.  You can sign up the day of the ride for $100 and 100% of it goes to support district wide programs at Scotts Valley Unified School District. See our event page for more information on the ride itself.

New registration opens at 7:00am at the Scotts Valley Recreation Building in Skypark Park.  Come early, we expect a good crowd. To find registration go down Kings Village Road and turn left at Bluebonnet. 

We will have Scotts Valley Cycle Sport handling last minute bicycle maintenance.  Coffee and food will be available while the SVHS Drum Line, featuring Ryan Snell, Jasper Lee and Jared Clark, performs rousing percussion music 7:30 to 8:00 am in the Skypark parking lot.

After your 100k or 50k ride you can return to skypark to enjoy our family BBQ with two great bands:
De Golden Koi, comprised of Zeph Rhoads, Chris Horchler, Jasper Lee and Alex Johnson, performs 11 to 12 noon in Skypark’s BBQ area. The band performs covers of music by the Beatles, Earth, Wind & Fire, Radiohead and other rock bands.

New Paradigm, Mt. Charlie’s headliner (photo attached), performs from 12:30 to 2:30 in the BBQ area. The band is a veteran winner of SVHS’s Battle of the Bands, and plays both original Blues-based rock and funk, and covers of classic rock tunes, Jimi Hendrix and other popular artists.

The post-ride BBQ and concert are open to the community, and are free to riders who participate in the 100K or 50K ride. Tri-tip, chicken, vegeburgers, homemade cookies and other food will be served by SV Kiwanis.

We are having a fantastic Raffle Drawing, which we will hold at 2:00 and you don’t need to be present to win. We’ll be giving away a brand new cruiser bike from Scotts Valley Cycle Sport along with prizes listed below and more:

  • 4 Lower Box SF Giants Tickets (12 rows from field) from Alison & Paul Niday
  • A $100 Gift Certificates from Awaken Massage Therapy
  • Two $25 Gift Certificates from Kiantis Pizza & Pasta Bar
  • Boogie Board from O’Neill Surf Shop
  • One $25 Gift Certificate from Sports Basement
  • TraderJoe’s Gift Basket
  • Three Camelback Hydration Packs from Scotts Valley Cycle Sport
  • Five $10 Gift Certificates from Palace Art & Office Supply
  • Four $10 iTune Cards
  • Bottles of Special Wines
  • More Gifts Being Added Daily!

Check out our sponsors:

For more information, check the Foundation’s website, www.svef.net, or contact co-organizers Aura Clendenen, 247-4805, [email protected], or Mike Rein, 440-9835, [email protected].

Mt. Charlie Challenge Meeting Monday April 18th at 7pm

Please feel free to join our team at our meeting Monday 7pm at the Rein household, 31 Taryn Court (in Granite Creek Estates off of Granite Creek Road).

We will go over the registration process (training) the first half hour.  I know some of you can not make a Monday night meeting. If that is the case, please call me 831-334-7279, so I can meet with you another time.  For Rest Stops questions, please direct to Andrea at 831-818-5239 or [email protected].

We will be discussing everything!  This is our last meeting and it would be great if everyone could jump in where they feel they can.  If we are discussing something and say we need someone to do this task, please jump in and say, “I can do that!”

  1. Registration & Check in
  2. Riders
  3. Sponsors
  4. Rest Stops
  5. SAG’s
  6. Raffle prizes
  7. Marking the course
  8. Signage
  9. Cheering students
  10. Food
  11. BBQ
  12. Banners to Skypark

We will be setting up at the Skypark at 6am on Saturday.  We need people to drop signs in key locations Friday night or Saturday morning – early.  Many tasks still to go.

Hope to see you Monday at the Reins!

As a side note: Our youngest rider this year is 9 (riding with his parents) and our oldest in 70. We have a great ride for everyone!

Mt Charlie Challenge Pledge Ride Information – April 23rd

The Mt. Charlie Challenge ride is less than two weeks away. Registration will be open that morning, but you are not guaranteed a t-shirt/goodie bag, if we don’t know that you are doing the ride.

  • Check-In and Registration is at 7-7:45am
  • Rain or Shine – but we expect a great day!
  • Bring all pledges that you have collected in an envelope with your name on it, along with raffle tickets to turn in. Or if you have some now, we would love to come pick them up, so contact us at the numbers or emails below.
  • If you paid a $55 registration fee and don’t have pledges to turn in, please plan on donating the $45. balance at check-in, which brings you up to the $100 minimum ($55. reg fee + $45. donation).
  • The mass start is at 8:00am for the 100k and the 50k will go out right afterwards. We would like to get you all in the one incredible photo, so please plan to be there at 7:45 am for that

At the check-in and registration area, there will be a table with the information and
forms listed immediately below. As part of the County requirements for a permit our riders must sign a “conditions agreement”, along with our standard waiver at the time of check in. Please bring your ID.

The conditions agreement and waiver were sent to riders in an email, so they can pre-read them and sign when checking in. Here’s the forms and information you’ll find at the check-in tables:

  • Rider Waiver
  • County’s conditions agreement
  • Additional registration forms for new riders
  • Maps of each route – they have support phone numbers on them
  • Full listing of turns for both routes

If you haven’t signed up and plan on doing the ride, please let us know. It is really hard to get the right amount of food and t-shirts if we don’t know you are participating.

Pre-Ride Tune Up. Scott Valley Cycle Sport will have a mechanic on duty before the ride to fine-tune or trouble-shoot any last-minute problems with your bike.

Due to the bad weather over the past month Highland Way has been washed out again, therefore, the route will not go down Eureka Canyon, as it has in the past. It will now go from Summit down San Jose – Soquel to Soquel to Freedom Blvd. This will make the ride a few miles longer instead of 62. You can decide to go part of the way and turn around before the Corralitos rest stop, or not. We will be posting a new map on the website this week.

Rest stops and SAG support:

  • The SAG vehicle and all rest stops will have some first aid and water. The SAG crew can pick up any riders, if help is needed or have just had enough.
  • Rest stops will have a list of riders, so please let them know when you come through.
  • Rest stops will have food, drinks and happy faces.
  • Rest stops and SAG finish up at 2:00, so let them know if you would like a ride back.

Come back to Skypark behind the recreation building and join in our family BBQ – FREE for riders! We’ll have live music. Invite your family and friends to meet you there.

Lunch is served between 11:30 and 3. We will have skirt steak, chicken, hot dogs and veggie burgers, along with salad, fruit, garlic bread, drinks and desserts. Additional lunch tickets can be purchased there.

We will hold our raffle at 2:00. We’ll be giving away a brand new cruiser bike from Scotts Valley Cycle Sport, along with quite a few other prizes.

Let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 23for another AWESOME Mt. Charlie Challenge.

Check out our $1,000 sponsors:

Our $500 sponsors:

And our $250 sponsors

We appreciate any donation you or folks you know would like to give! A special THANK YOU to our sponsors!