Community Day Fundraising Meeting June 1st

The community is invited to come help plan a Community Day Fundraiser. A meeting will be held at the Scotts Valley Community Center, 360 Kings Village Road, by the Chamber of Commerce, on Tuesday June 1st from 7-9pm in the main room.

A few parents in our district went to a meeting in Saratoga about the Cupertino School District’s “Their Future Is Now!” campaign that demonstrated parent power to work on their education issues. They were very successful and raised $2.2 million for their schools, and were gracious enough to invite others to share information on how they did it. Our parents came away with a wealth of information.

On Tuesday we will focus on planning a Community Day right here in Scotts Valley. We will set a date and sign up people for various tasks to make it happen. We will explain how the Community Day ties into the Dollar a Day Campaign and the Business Partnership Program.

We will send out an agenda meeting reminder to those that want to be included. You can email Charlotte at [email protected] and ask to be on that distribution.

Hope to see you Tuesday!

Meeting this Thursday May 20th

Come one, come all! Everyone is welcome!


1. Introductions and overview
2. Review minutes
3. Treasury report
4. Funding for 2010_11
5. Dollar a day
6. Board recruiting – open positions
7. Fundraising ideas
8. Business Partnership Program
9. Other Business
10. Next Meeting -June 17th

If you have any changes or additions to this agenda, please email Charlotte or call 334.7279. More information can be found at our SVEF Website.

SVEF Email News May 14, 2010

Mt. Charlie Challenge was a big success!
SVEF has raised about $27,000 net for our schools! Mt.Charlie Challenge Pledge Bike Ride was a smashing success on April 24 thanks to all our riders, sponsors, contributors and volunteers. There was perfect weather, great food, fun family BBQ, and fabulous music from SVHS band, Conniption, and the SVHS drumline. Click on the link here to see a slide show. Special thanks to Aura Clendenen and Mike Rein for running the event.

We would like to also thank all of our sponsors. Please check out our Mt. Charlie Challenge event page to see a listing.

Executive Board Recruiting
Scotts Valley Educational Foundation (SVEF) is currently recruiting executive board members. SVEF provides funding for enrichment programs and education materials to enhance the solid academic curriculum and maintain the high quality of education in the Scotts Valley Unified School District. SVEF is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Typical fundraising events SVEF host each year include Mt. Charlie Challenge, Ice Cream Social, Christmas Tree Lot and Dollar A Day Campaign. We are a 100% volunteer organization, consisting of parents, teachers, school administration, and community members. Excellent schools are the cornerstone of a successful community.

Please consider being a part of our organization, by contacting Charlotte Multer at [email protected].

We will have our monthly meeting next Thursday May 20th. Please join us. Scotts Valley Middle School library at 7pm.

Dollar A Day Campaign Kick Off
We finished the Mt. Charlie Challenge and now we are kicking off the Dollar A Day Campaign.
In the past few years, funding for our school district has decreased by close to $1 million a year – a decrease of nearly $1000 per student. To live within the funding allowance, our school district has had to cut positions, services and programs at the district office and all school sites. These cuts include hours of administrators, teachers, counselors, the district nurse, instructional assistants, custodians, secretaries and more. We have increased class sizes at all sites. All administrators have voluntarily taken furlough days to help balance the budget. Experts predict that we will not be back to our 2007 funding level until 2013-14.

We need to bring in additional revenues to lessen the devastating effects of future cuts beginning now.

The Scotts Valley Educational Foundation has volunteered to collect funds from families and friends to offset future cuts of the people and programs that serve our students.

You will be receiving home a letter to help us in kicking off the Dollar A Day Campaign. We hope you will give what you can to make a difference for our students!

____ $30 a month through a PayPal Subscription (see below to sign up for that)
____$365 sponsor (support a single child in our schools)
____$730 sponsor (supports 2 or more children)
____$1000 sponsor (for your family +one other that may not be able to donate)
____other (please specify amount) even a $10. donation helps

You can make a donation to SVEF from any page of our website at You can also schedule monthly recurring donations using the Subscribe button on the “Help Us” page of the website. Or you may write a check to SVEF and send it to:

Scotts Valley Educational Foundation (SVEF)
245-M Mt. Hermon Road, Box 150
Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Thank you for any contribution you can make!