Dollar A Day Reaches $22,000
We have reached $22,000. for our Dollar A Day campaign! Lets keep working at it. You will soon see banners posted at each of the schools to show the progress through out the year of where we are on our fundraising goals. We are showing the goal of $950,000 for SVUSD, for the school year 20011_12. Hopefully that will be raised in many ways, not only through SVEF but we still will show the full goal for the district overall.
Tell your friends and neighbors to contribute, if they can. Next year it will only get harder to make cuts to a budget that is already way too low. Help where you can. You can go to our “Help Us” page to donate through PayPal, or send in a check to SVEF, 245-M Mt. Hermon Road, Box 150, Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Thank you to all of SVEF supporters!