Support the 7th Mt. Charlie Challenge Bike Ride

We are moving along with our 2009 Mt. Charlie Challenge Bike Ride and looking for this year’s sponsors.  We will be printing and distributing 11×17 posters all over Scotts Valley, Los Gatos, and Santa Cruz County, advertising in the local newspapers, and sending out emails to our 2200 person database.  Your name or logo would also be added to our annual t-shirt.  It isn’t too late!

Below is a list of the levels of sponsorship:

Gold Sponsor…$1,000

  • Larger Logo on Bike Ride Shirts
  • 100 Free Raffle Tickets
  • Logo on All Materials
  • plus Bonus 20 Tickets
  • Press Release Listings
  • 2 Bike Ride Shirts
  • Promotion of Your Business at Every Opportunity

Silver Sponsor…$500

  • Logo on Bike Ride Shirts
  • 50 Raffle Tickets
  • Press Release Mention
  • Bike Ride Shirt
  • plus Bonus 10 Tickets

Bronze Sponsor…$250

  • Name on Ride Shirt
  • Bike Ride Shirt
  • 25 Raffle Ticket
  • plus  Bonus 5 Tickets

Checks payable to:
Scotts Valley Educational Foundation
(501(c)(3) tax-exempt status number 77-0006718)

Please contact Charlotte with any questions, or interest that you have, at 831-334-7279.

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