SVEF Recap and Change

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Tis the season to enjoy all of our holidays, family and friends! I personally wish all of you all the very best for the holidays and a Happy New Year to come.

As I approach the end of my SVEF Presidency, I would like to thank the hundreds of volunteers that help to make the Scotts Valley Educational Foundation a continuing success. We have such great support from our schools, students, families, service clubs and the community. I can’t thank you all enough for you efforts and devotion to the Scotts Valley Educational Foundation

This year we have raised $110,606 that will all go our schools. We raise money through our events and Dollar a Day campaign. See the breakdown below:

  • Mt. Charlie Challenge – $29,608
  • Business Partnership Program – $5,166
  • Dollar A Day Campaign – $57,885
  • Community Day – $14,988
  • Miscellaneous donations – $2,959

We estimate that we will make over $10,000 on the tree lot (not included in the amount above).

I am please to announce that Allison Niday will be the new SVEF President for the New Year. Allison’s energy and commitment will keep SVEF a vital community organization.

We will not hold our December meeting this month will will resume January 20th.

Charlotte Multer

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